Thursday, June 16, 2011

What I've Learned from Orientation Pt.1

So this experience as a Parent Orientation Leader has been awesome, crazy, insane, yet still fun.

I'm going to be keeping a running log (in theory) of all the random things I've learned.

  1. The temperature in a building can be "not only uncomfortable, but unhealthy"
  2. Deodorant and undershirts just aren't enough
  3. The open bar at our receptions is merely a pregaming the dorm socializing the parents will do
  4. You can never have enough easels for signs
  5. 1000 people can't fit in the fourth floor of the Union
  6. The walk from the Coliseum to the Union isn't bad, until it's 100+ outside
  7. Playfair is more fun when you've already done it once
  8. Heels on the first day only, then crack out the tennis shoes
  9. The only time where I will wake up at 5am, shower, leave home while it is still dark, get home after dark, shower, and sleep for 3.5-5.5 hours before doing it all over again
  10. Parents are some of the greatest people ever.
  11. Parents have some of the greatest stories and most honest questions
  12. If there is a shuttle open, they will take it.  If there is not a shuttle open, they will vocalize their need for one.
  13. Always have shuttles
  14. Our new stadium is beyond awesome. I'M SO PUMPED
  15. I am considering going Greek
  16. Just because you burn a piece of paper doesn't make the change official; it's just the right steps in the right direction.
  17. Parents love to talk about their kids
  18. The poetry my coworkers can write would blow most people away.
  19. I work with Harry Potter fanatics, and I love it.
  20. First impressions can be wrong, so can second or third
  21. Sometimes we all just need to take a moment
  22. Always wear your hair up, or at least have bobby pins with you, along with chapstick
  23. The farmers tans from the Orientation shirts will sneak up on you if you aren't careful.
  24. Parents will go wherever you direct them, students? not so much
  25. You're not nervous; you're anxious
  26. The fight song is forever stuck in my head.
  27. The vegetarian lasagna is where it is at.  I kid you not, soo good.
  28. The cheesecake bites and lemon bars could be fatal to my plan to stay in shape.
  29. Orientation stresses me out so badly, I actually almost want sleep.
  30. I need to buy some green TOMS or converse...

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