Wednesday, February 11, 2015

My how time flies

Well, I'm back in Montana.  This time for the forseeable future.  Isn't that weird? I still think it's a little weird, but I'm happy.  Really happy.  I didn't realize the funk I'd let myself slip into over the last few months after I got back from my summer in Billings. I mean I obviously was happy to see all of my friends and family and eat at my favorite places again and see the things that are familiar and just feel like home, but I felt like something was missing.  I realized what was missing when I was driving up, and just beginning to see the mountains again felt like a a puzzle piece slipped back into place.  The view.  The sense of something so much larger than yourself that it towers over you and forces you to think of your mortality

So I've been back in Montana for two weeks, and now I'm living in Flathead Valley.  Every day when I drive to work I have to focus on making sure I don't get distracted by the amazing view to my left or right.  Every day I feel like I lose my breath when I walk out of my apartment and see this intense fog rolling down the side of the mountain.  Maybe this will become a normal view, and I won't appreciate the way the mountains get sandwiched between the low hanging clouds and the even lower fog.  Soon I might not enjoy all of the rain and snow, but for now it's here and I'm loving it.  I hope I don't ever grow used to the view.  I don't want to take it for granted.  I want to stare it down and remind myself that I am here, in this moment, and to take it for what it is, icy roads and all.

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