Wednesday, June 11, 2014


This summer I will be in Billings, MT serving as an AmeriCorps VISTA Volunteer.  I have to drive from Denton, TX to Billings, MT.  1,300 miles.  Bring it on.

Mile 0- Well,  here it goes.

Mile 150- I'm not sure why, but while driving and singing at the top of my lungs I broke down crying during Say Something. Not sure why, I'm not getting over anyone. I think it's from nerves as excitement for the trip. Near Vera, Texas. No one in sight.

Mile 180- Almost hit a turtle. Don't worry. He's okay. Near 6666 ranch in King County

Mile 227- Just passed an abandoned building with at least 8 cats chillin' outside. It was kind of a cute house. I could live there. I hope someone feeds those cats. Near Dickens, TX.

Mile 252- Saw a blue heeler chasing a red truck down the middle of the road, and then I saw a Yorkie running in circles across 4 lanes of traffic. It was terrifying to watch. Near Crosbyton , TX

Mile 297- Pit stop for a day and a half to stay with family. In Lubbock, TX

Mile 332-  My first real fear that I was going to be pulled over. I wonder what cops are like in other states. Near some random small town in Texas

Mile 470- What kind of a city doesn't have a gas station?! Near Channing Texas.

Mile 471- I guess the kind of town that takes less than half a mile to drive through. Also, this looks like the road in Brudesmaids where she crashes into that car.

Mile 485- Pretty sure the whole town smells like manure. Near Dalhart, TX

Mile 519- I see these big beautiful clouds on the horizon, and it gives me hope that NM might be close. I haven't seen clouds all morning. Near nothing in TX.

Mile 539- Saw a dog hanging his head out of the window. Really made me miss Finley. Also, just crossed into NM and they had a sign warning against hitchhikers. This state looks promising. Finally in NM.

Mile 603- Although I've seen big hills so far, I think I can spot my first view of actual mountains. Super far away. They are either snow capped or this dirt is really starting to mess with my vision.

Mile 665- Ears just popped because of the altitude change. Colorado is beautiful. I'm in love.
Mile 682- These mountains are breathtaking. I feel humbled and so insignificant to something so large and powerful

Mile 759- second cop scare but at least I've figured out my hotel for the night.

Mile 800- Mountains are too pretty.  I'm gonna end this now while I'm still ahead

Mile 920- Just kidding, had to update and say that there is pretty much nothing in Wyoming but rolling hills over and over

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