Friday, March 7, 2014

Post Grad

Well,  I did it.  I graduated from college, and maybe you're supposed to have all of these huge overwhelming feelings, but in the two months that have passed since the "big day" I've realized it's all of the small moments that have been showing me how my life is changing..  People keep on asking me what I'm doing with my time, how do I spend my days, and what I'm going to do next.  I am so tired of answering that question, but I have to remind myself of something I learned this summer.  Just because it's your thousandth time to answer a question, it's still the first time this specific person has asked you.  You can't give them your frustrations and worries that have built up over time.  Answer it with grace and humor and remember that connections between people always matter most.
So, what am I doing, you ask? Good question.  I've moved home, and I'm taking care of my dad.  Now, some people know about my dad and others don't.  He has multiple sclerosis and has progressed to the point that he's essentially a quadriplegic.  He has nurses who get him out of bed every morning, and then my sister and I will take care of him throughout the rest of the day.  It isn't glamorous, but I am incredibly glad I am here spending time with him.  It's something I haven't done in a long time.  I got a Kindle as a graduation gift, so I've been doing a lot of reading and watching a lot of Netflix.  I'm ready to have a bit of a challenge.
I'm still not entirely what I'm going to be doing next.  Right now, it seems like I will be going to Shanghai to be an au pair for a German family.  Kind of crazy, right?  I'm still trying to process all of this.  It could be a great adventure and a huge learning experience.  It could be exactly what I'm looking for to fulfill my wanderlust.  I still haven't given up on the Peace Corps, although now I'm looking at the Peace Corps International program, where I would also earn my Master's.  I'm not sure exactly how all of this will work out.  My dad asked me what my 5 year plan is, and I told him I didn't really have one.  My 5 year plan is to travel to as many countries and states as possible, to meet as many people, to hear as many stories, to learn as many foreign phrases.  All of it.  I'm not ready to settle down yet.  I still have the world at my feet, at least that's what all of my graduation cards said.

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