I have this Lilly Pulitzer photo album, and it holds 100 photos, and so right after I graduated college I began the daunting task of searching for my top 100 photos from college, which was WAY harder than it sounds. I document everything. I basically have at least 400 photos for each year I was in school, minimum.
Some of the photos that made the cut and blurry and awful, but when I see them I am reminded of just how wonderful my friends are.
My 19th birthday |
Take the above photo, this was my birthday a month into my freshman year. Prior to 2010, my birthday had always been a big celebration with friends and the start of school, and we would hang out and celebrate for close to 24 hours, complete with water balloons, cake fights, and chalk graffiti. So I was pretty bummed for my birthday because it was the first time I would be celebrating without most of my friends in 8 years. Four of my friends took the time to show me that small gestures can mean just as much. These two drove me all around town getting my favorite things from my favorite restaurants. Mac and cheese and sweet tea from McAlisters, chicken nuggets from Chick-Fil-A, miso soup from Chopsticks, and a Cranberry Limeade from Sonic for good measure. They did this without having to ask what I wanted. They knew because I'm a creature of habit (still am- that will never change) and once I find something I like I stick with it. After the perfect dinner, one of my other friends had planned this wonderful scavenger hunt around town. Clues at each place, and what was really great is that he hadn't even experienced all of these places with me. He had just heard me talk about them and knew the places in town that mattered to me. That's what friends do. They listen to your crazy stories, notice what you order, and know that not having all of your friends around for your birthday will make you sad, even if you don't say it out loud.
So, here's to all of the friends who make life memorable and enjoyable. I really am blessed to have so many people who I care for, and who know me better than I know myself.