Monday, June 11, 2012


I just had a great talk with my best friend, and it made me realize a few things.  I need to learn to check myself and reevaluate myself as I make progress.  I guess it is my "Learner" strength in the fact that I am all about the process.  I want to make sure that I understand every step of the way. I also need to talk a little less, because the things that others will say to fill the silence can teach me a lot.  I think it's important to hear people's opinions, yet sometime I don't stop talking long enough to listen.  I am excited for this summer to really kick off.  Freshman Orientation 1 is just 2 days away.  2 days.  I wanted this so badly.  I tried the first time, and didn't get it.  Now that I have it I want to make the most of it.  This is something I'm passionate about.  I love working with students.  Sometimes I think that Student Affairs would be a really cool profession, yet I love the thought of ABA and all that I want to do with it.  I want the Peace Corps, I want my Masters, I want a family.  I want all of that.  Lets see how it goes?